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Showing posts from January 23, 2010

Humanity floods Ganga

That day was finally here. After reading about it in the papers and watching images of it on television since childhood, I was there myself. It was the start of the Maha Kumbh Mela. A unique congregation of humanity had converged on the holy city of Haridwar. As I stepped into the town, I could already sense the special status given to it in Hindu mythology. Right from the railway station to the Ghats, there was only one On the Ghats, one thing that I saw immediately and which didn’t surprise me at all was the image of a mother treating her children equally; whether they be rich or poor, fair or dark, boy or girl, Ganga Maiyya (Mother Ganga) had stretched out her arms for all. You know that when you immerse yourself in the waters, it is like crying and seeking comfort in your mother's lap. You want her to forgive you for your sins and she being a mother, she does so without questioning. The Ghats of the Ganga were buzzing w