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Showing posts from May 1, 2010


As booming India goes crazy over slimming centres, weight loss gadgets and obesity-curing wonders ... the future of the country stays hungry and malnourished, helplessly looking at the present for help as it dies everyday... One-year-old Harinder, who is suffering from severe malnutrition cries in his mother's lap.  © Danish Siddiqui Foundation Finally, I get down to updating my blog, which has been lying stale for a few weeks now…This is a very special story to me… A few weeks back I packed my bags again and traveled into the interiors of the country with my Chief Photographer Reinhard Krause. The intention was to look for stories that stay neglected by the media; stories that don’t get the ‘numbers’ because the audiences responsible for the latter, are too busy with their own lives to bother about such matters. These stories, however, give me the strength and confidence to pursue many more such subjects relentlessly. For our latest excursion, Reinhard and I traveled to rem